Ruth : Anointed for a new beginning

A great woman of loyalty.

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In a time where they believed the Gospel was only for the "Jews" a "Gentile" chose God. Ruth is more than a love story, its a story of faith and loyalty. The story of Ruth foreshadows the glorious act of salvation. The story of Naomi’s family and the way it endured is a universal theme. Even Ruth, a foreigner from the despised Moabites, could move God’s plan towards fulfillment.
Ruth has special significance for Christians:
Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:2-17) lists four women, and Ruth is one of them
Ruth is an example of how God can change a life and take it in a direction He has foreordained, and we see Him working out His perfect plan in Ruth’s life, just as He does with all His children (Romans 8:28). Although Ruth came from a pagan background in Moab, once she met the God of Israel, she became a living testimonial to Him by faith. Even though she lived in humble circumstances before marrying Boaz, she believed that God was faithful to care for His people. Also, Ruth is an example to us that God rewards faithfulness: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). Even though these promises are recorded in the New Testament, long after Ruth lived on earth, God’s Word stands for all eternity..The story  is a representation of how we are redeemed by Christ and not the law. Ruth's character spoke for itself...If your life doesn't preach neither should your mouth...
 We are redeemed by Christ..
Not the world
Not gossip
Not the traditions of church
None of that.
Christ is our redeemer
 The same way Boaz was ready to take Ruth just how she was, Christ is ready to capture your heart just the way you are..
 God can turn things around and make something out of nothing... And God loves to make 'somebody' out of a 'nobody' .
 It's important to be a Godly character when in ungodly settings, we need to be the light that leaves no room for darkness. How can we be chasing Boaz when we show none of the characteristics of Ruth?
Know yourself before you chase someone else. Preparation is key 🔑
If you don't prepare yourself how are you going to know what you're getting yourself into? . Everyone's shouting for their BOAZ!! Whilst giving every piece of them to every man... Cover yourself with Humility & Truth. How can Boaz protect what you're freely giving away?, It's not every man you see call Boaz..
It's not every woman you see call Ruth..
 we are reminded that we should shine with the light of Christ in us. And also to wait for what God has in store for us. And remember to stay faithful where the lord has planted you, serve faithfully in the field that God has given your for that season, he will surely reward you. 
#peace be with you.


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