Becoming a Woman of Influence :Deborah annoiting

Becoming a Woman of Influence

As in biblical times God is calling today’s women to a purpose greater than themselves. this month of AUGUST i want to take time to share more about the powerful women in the bible or i can say WOMEN on  GOD's wall of fame.
i will start with the The Deborah Anointing that shows you that although you may have been trapped in tradition and locked into captivity by cultural and gender prejudices, God desires for you to break through these barriers. Now is the time to embrace the fullness of your purpose!
Read Judges 4:1-5 to find out more about prophetess Deborah

Deborah as a woman after God’s heart. She was a prophetess, visionary, full of passion, a general, a warrior, a praiser, an intercessor, a worshiper, a mother, a wife, a judge, a woman of balance, a woman of courage and a woman who made a difference. During this particular season of my life, God has been dealing with me about my Praise and speaking to me about the power in “release”. Praise is a weapon of war. Some of us have hit a spiritual plateau because we have forgotten to Praise the name of the Lord. David says in Psalms 34, “I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” He also goes on to say: “Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together…” In Bible times, the praisers were always sent out first before the army came for battle! Praise is what brings breakthrough! Breakthrough means to break out, burst forth, compel, disperse, grow, increase, to open, scatter, press and urge.
 Deborah was a woman with a “breaker” anointing! A “breaker” doesn’t just receive the answer for her personal needs, but receives a breakthrough that opens the way for others to receive as well. The “breaker” anointing releases, delivers and sets free! One of my favorite scriptures about Deborah is Judges 4:8 where Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” Barak was confident in God that if Deborah went with him to war, he’d be sure to defeat the army of the enemy. Have you identified the Deborah in you? Have you unlocked your power through the anointing & favor of God on your life? If not, it’s time to get in position…
Operate in the grace God gave you to save lives just by the way you live. Write that vision that keeps racing through your mind during the day; you have a legacy to leave. Walk in that love that compels you to serve those in need. Rise to the occasion so that you don’t miss divine appointments. Smile at someone and make them feel like they mean the world to you. Cover yourself with the spirit of intercession. There are angels waiting to carry out your charge for the lives of others. Spread the gospel that Christ died for the pardon of our sins that we may be saved and have everlasting life if we confess that with our mouths and believe it in our hearts, to all corners of the earth. Sing the songs of Zion to those in a strange land. Speak words of comfort, encouragement and exhortation into the lives of those who are hungry for a word from the Lord. Wear your garment of praise because there are battles you MUST win for friends, family and complete strangers. Renew your mind with the qualities of a virtuous woman and envelope your heart with those qualities; you are assigned to a magnificent man of valor who won’t be able to fulfill his purpose without you in his life. Be a nurturer, there’s a child somewhere whose life depends on your tender love and care. Develop your spiritual ear toward the voice of God; you’ll misinterpret your purpose if you don’t. Fashion yourself to operate in the anointing, the anointing is what makes you effective! Stand in the gap with fortitude for your brothers and sisters; your strength is critical to someone else’s moment of weakness! Be an encourager, you are a light in dark places. Assert your boldness; it will inevitably drive out the spirit of fear. Hide the word of God in your heart, it will always provide you with love, power and a sound mind.
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions…you don’t always need to know all the answers. Trust in the one who knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Remain reachable! Better yet, remain teachable…


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