Peace, be still ..Mark 4:39

Even the winds and waves obey him! (Mark 4:35-41)

The storms of life can be just as harsh for you in this final hour as they were for the disciples. Like the disciples, you need help. Make sure Jesus is on board your ship; make sure you really believe in Him and what He has said. Every word He speaks contains all might, all strength, all courage, all power to defeat whatever adversity that may come against you daily.

Seeing Jesus in action only at times, the disciples were unaware of being bound by a lack of faith. When Jesus calmed the storm with such a great display of His mighty power, they were shocked. It seemed unreal. In their wildest dreams they had never imagined what they were about to see. In fact, Jesus was so calm in the face of disaster that they asked, Master, carest thou not that we perish? This should teach us something. Just because the Lord is quiet, just because He does not always make Himself known, it does not mean He is not on board your ship or that He does not care. He is there, and He does care. He is ready to help you do that which you cannot do for yourself—but He waits for your call.

Jesus, the One foretold by the prophets, the One holy men of old longed to see, came into bondage that we might be delivered from bondage, that the captives might be set free.

Many do not realize they are bound. They, like the disciples on the stormy sea, fail to consider that lack of faith is a bondage. Recognize your bondage and know that through the promises of God you have liberation. No power can defeat you when you claim His promises. Jesus has only to say, “Peace, be still,” and deliverance comes. Again and again, the Lord has brought those words to me: Peace, peace be still. All deliverance is in those words. Peace, be still.

Great conflicts in the mind can rage as the devil battles against what God has promised, what He has said He would do; but Jesus said, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you (Matthew 7:7). When you seek, ask and knock for faith in His words, “Peace, be still,” He is always there to help you.

Peace is the undisturbed state of mind that we need for the Word of God to take over and bring mighty results. Peace is an absence of mental conflict.

To be calm is to have harmony within, quietness, tranquility, freedom from petty disagreements and quarrels. When you allow Jesus to speak those words of peace and calm to you, you are in harmony with Him and the peace of God, in one mind and one accord with Jesus.

Keep believing.

The Master of the sea is by your side. When the time has come, he will say, “Peace, be still,” and the storm will run out of breath and the sea will become like glass. Eventually the day will break and the sun will shine again. And when you look back, you will see that you faith has grown stronger by the storm you passed through.

What a Christ we serve!


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