The barren shall bear fruit

Sometimes we forget that God is the God of all the earth. The famous verse in the fourteenth chapter of the Book of John, that starts off, “In my Father’s house,” is often interpreted that the Father’s house is Heaven. It is not. The Father’s House is Christ, Head and Body. The Father is greater than all, and He is as much the God of the earth as He is the God of Heaven.
The Bible tells us that Sarah was ninety years old when the promise was made to Abraham that she would bear him a son (Gen.17:17). When Sarah heard the promise from inside the tent she laughed. It was not the laughter of rejoicing but of doubt. The Lord's word was 'Is anything too hard for the Lord?' Let us not have unbelief but let us have faith in the word of the Lord that He will make us to bear fruit.
Sarah doubted because of her age. You may be a believer for a number of years and you may long for a blessing in your life. You want to be used, to bear fruit. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Notice that after God's promise to Sarah even though she was 90 years old she was made beautiful as a princess so that Abimelech wanted her as a wife (see Gen. ch.20). When the barren bear fruit they shall be made young again. God is able to restore the years that the cankerworm has eaten if you would yield to Him and trust Him
Gen.25:20-21, It was not Rebekah's prayer but Isaac'c prayer that caused Rebekah to bear fruit. He entreated the Lord on her behalf and she conceived. There are situations where the barren will not bear fruit without an intercessor. As we look around us we shall see many who are not bearing fruit. Let us entreat the Lord on their behalf. God is looking for those who will stand in the gap and make intercession, so that more and more of God's children will come to maturity and bring forth abundant fruit.
I Sam.1:5-6 tell us that it was the Lord who had shut up Hannah's womb. The barrenness was ordered by the Lord for His own purpose. There are times when we cannot understand why such and such is the situation. The Lord is in control. Hannah's condition made her cast herself upon the Lord. Her adversary also provoked her sore. She cried out to the Lord for a manchild and she promised that if He would grant her this manchild she would give him unto the Lord all the days of his life. This is exactly what the Lord wanted. Samuel, the son of Hannah, became a mighty prophet of God.
God may give us barrenness so that we will come to the end of ourselves and recognise that it is God who gives the increase. He wants us to cast ourselves upon Him and make a vow unto Him. Let us vow that the fruit shall be for the Lord's use and His glory. We too shall rejoice even as Hannah rejoiced for 'the barren hath borne seven'. Hannah later had three sons and two daughters. May the Lord cause us to bear much fruit and cause the mocking of the adversary to cease.
According to Is.54:1-5 , Gal.4:26-27, Ps.113:9, today the Lord Jesus is building Jerusalem. He is calling a people unto Himself. He is gathering the outcasts, the despised and the rejected. He has a remnant that has not bowed the knees to Baal. He will take away their reproach. The desolate and the barren are crying out today while many are gloating in their self-satisfaction. Many are the Laodiceans of today who say they are rich and have need of nothing.
Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear. Enlarge the place of thy tent for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left. The time has come for the captive daughter of Zion to break forth into singing. No longer shall she be confounded and put to shame. The proud shall be brought low and the last shall be first.
Those who have kept His word and not compromised are not the many but the few. But these few shall rejoice and bear much fruit. They shall do exploits in the name of the Lord. Therefore, let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10) and the barren be glad.

I declare that every barren place in your to be made fruitful in the name of Jesus. I speak life to every lifeless things in your life. You shall bear fruits and you shall flourish in the name of Jesus.


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