Steadfast Love: deep clouds,deep mercy

 Steadfast Love: Deep clouds, deep mercy

How could anyone cry out, “Great is your faithfulness!” in the middle of loss? The answer is that Jeremiah knew God could turn tragedy into triumph. He had a revelation of God’s steadfast love. A love that is resolute despite surrounding circumstances.

In the middle of his sorrow, He finds hope and comfort in his God. Jeremiah said, Just as Jeremiah describes it in his book “The steadfast love of the Lʀ never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22–23). Have you ever wondered why Jeremiah says that God’s steadfast love and mercies never cease and yet they are new every morning? How is something that never ceases, new?
Every Single Moment Is New with God, for he keeps no record of our wrongs. This is how our Heavenly Father recklessly loves us. “God’s enduring love and constant mercies are not only new every morning, but new every moment.”
Every single moment is new. Every moment is a completely unique creation by God the Father through God the Son who is upholding the universe at that moment by the word of his power (Hebrews 1:2–3). Never is a moment neglected. Never is a moment repeated. Each moment is a new, infinitely powerful and complex word spoken by the Word with deliberate intention (John 1:1). Every moment God makes he decides to be utterly faithful to his character and his purposes. Every new moment God commits to fulfill what he says he will do.

God is not old. God is. He calls himself the Ancient of Days to help us time-bound creatures grasp something of the vastness of his eternal nature (Daniel 7:9). But time itself is a creation of God. He is not defined by age.

The only thing that keeps us from the steadfast love of the lord and his mercy, is us. Sometimes we are unwilling to let go of our sins, or our guilt. Holding on to the past, we find ourselves more and more burdened with all sort of things we should and ought do, and never enough time to get it done, and it paralyzes us, preventing us from doing anything. And then we feel sorry for ourselves, forgetting that we were the ones who held up the umbrella to prevent the mercy and grace of God from raining into our lives. It wasn’t the devil who did it to us, not that he didn’t encourage us, but we are the ones who are blocking the grace of God from entering our lives.
And without the grace of God, and his mercy new every day, we loose hope, and are discouraged. So perhaps we ought put away the umbrella, and invite God into our life, and allow his grace, mercy and love to fill our hearts and lives. For our faithful God who loves us greatly has given us an everlasting hope, and each day, a new beginning.
Now if this is good for us, why would we try to pull other back to a life of slavery? For it is one thing, when we hold the grace of God from us alone. It is another thing when we with old the grace of God from others, reminding them of the past, and bringing up the burdens that were cast on the Lord, telling them that they should carry their own load. And not only do we do this to others intentionally, but by our example we teach others to remember sins and to forget about God and his mercy. Seems like we’ve got it backwards. We bring our sins to God, so that he can help us overcome them, and that they may be forgiven and forgotten, according to God’s plan the only thing we are to remember is the forgiveness that is ours in Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the grace and mercy which are new every morning. This is what we have hope, and this is the faith that leads us to life everlasting in Jesus Christ.

Lamentations & You
How about you? Has there been a loss in your life? Have you seen disaster in your home or family? Have you experienced a heartbreak of any kind?

If so, be encouraged. As you lift your head like Jeremiah and look up, you will see the triumph of Christ on the horizon. God will take the damage you have suffered and turn it into gain. For he always gives beauty for ashes. God is your portion. No matter what has occurred in your life, He is your eternal inheritance, lasting measure, and life share.


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