The God move

God Move

Seeking a move of God is all in vain once we no longer seek with heart, soul, mind and strength the God of the move. What works, what lasts, is God Himself. Not what seems for Him, seems like Him or about Him. It’s God Himself. All else sooner or later will fizzle or fanaticis. Psalm 127:1 (CSB) ”Unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain; unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain”.

A true move of God moves, yes, but also tarries when He does. Waits. Builds strength. ”Those who wait on the Lord renew their strength & mount up with wings like eagles”, Isaiah 40:31. Then the move doesn’t just march ahead. It soars.We who seek a true move of God must learn to discern the wind.

Jesus Christ told His followers that a stable foundation is critical in building lives. He said, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock” (Matt. 7:24-25). The foundation of Jesus Christ is what will give us the stability our hearts and lives need now and into the future.

By allowing the Lord’s wisdom to guide us in our relationships, decisions, and priorities, we find that He provides the most trustworthy foundation any life could be built upon.

Nothing’s more understandable/natural than making a movement out of a genuine move of God but great care must be taken. Movements require movement. Constant locomotion. They must keep moving whether or not God does.The further ahead of Him they go, the more they morph into idols.

I was reading out of Nehemiah in 8-9 and how it talked about what true revival looked like and how the people were to be still, but meaning not to concentrate on the past but celebrate God and what He had done 🙂

I have been a victim of it, i have seen myself in these places were i have been so concentrated on the works of the mind,(battlefield of the mind) where i ended losing  my time with God. One thing i can tell you is that it is so easy to get sidetracked by the creation- and miss the Creator! It can be our calling, job, career, business our gifting, or a movement from God- We make it an idol. (Even our problems can be-anything that gets “bigger than,” and blocks our view of God, is an idol.) But His mercy and grace!!

When God created the world, when the Spirit hovered, when Creator spoke over Oceans and called it good, there was a watching, and there was a listening, and then there was action.

Can’t we follow suit today, and recognize that we are called to that stillness first, and then to sit in that stillness with one another?

I believe it’s one of the hardest calls, and one of the most fruit-bearing.

May we, in our dust to dust-ness, find the space and time to do what God did in the beginning, before an entire world opened up in sacred, radical love.

Remember that we are called dust to dust?

That is a blessing, not a curse. It allows us to settle into the fact that we are small, that we belong to the good created-ness of this earth, and that when we are quiet, when we lower ourselves back in humility, in nakedness, we are actually shown our own beauty. We learn to love ourselves and each other.

Be Blessed


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