chasing after GOD
The Kingdom of God is a present reality. It’s what we’re to be doing on the earth right now. The power of God is the present resource. It’s the energy you get to do what God wants you to do once you’re surrendered and submitted to his will.
God’s glory is the reason. It’s not the reality or the resource. It is the present reason for everything. It’s all for God’s glory.Romans 11:36 says, “Everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory” (NLT).
One day, we will all have to stand before God and give an account of our lives.We slip into putting our prosperity above God’s kingdom and we have lost the spiritual perspective. We need to get out of the quicksand we've fallen into. We working for the food that perishes, but not for the food that endures to eternal life (John 6:27).When we build our lives on anything but God, that thing – though a good thing – becomes an enslaving addiction. We forgetting that if our ways are pleasing to the Lord, He will give us all that we really need. We need to stop and consider that we are working against God, who merely blows on our take-home pay and scatters it (1:9). He does that to get us to reconsider our mixed up priorities.When Jesus tells us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength” this is not a suggestion but a command. So let’s be the generation of David’s, the generation of Joshua’s and Caleb’s; the ones who boldly take a stand for the one true God.
God is calling this generation to its true purpose in Christ. This is an appeal for this generation to live up to that purpose and become what it was destined to be.
Jesus Christ was beaten to the point where he was barely even recognizable as human. He was nailed to a cross and the punishment and shame for our sins were thrust upon his soul. The King of kings willingly left the perfection of heaven and became a man; the only one who is truly worthy to be served “came to serve, not to be served.” He was beaten, bruised, and broken. His skin was torn to pieces by whips composed of broken pieces glass and bone that shredded him to pieces. All of this he bore willingly, so that the people who placed him on that cross could be forgiven. If Christ did all of this for us – taking what we deserved – isn’t he worth every ounce of passion, talent, and energy that we have?! The very least Christ deserves is the very best we can give him.
God cannot use people who are only partially devoted to him. Jesus Christ changed the world with twelve men who were willing to give everything they had – including their lives – for his purpose and plan. “The only ability God requires is availability.” I don’t know about you, but I want to stand before Christ one day and have him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Let’s be the generation that says, “God, I will give you my all because you are worthy of it.” The generation that says, “It’s all or nothing.”
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