sometimes the lord will have to break you to mould you into his very likness
Lord make me and mold me into the person You want me to be. The Bible says in Isaiah 64:8 that He is the potter and we are the clay. Let's be who He wants us to be!!!!! Why do my lips sing, “Break me, melt me, mold me, fill me” yet my selfish heart cries, “Bless me, extol me, affirm me, approve me, provide for me?” Could it be that I tend to forget one of Scriptures truest principles? God develops the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives by allowing us to experience circumstances in which we are tempted to express the exact opposite quality. God wants to teach us biblical love by putting unlovely people around us. God’s classroom for teaching us genuine joy is the place of sorrow. It is in the midst of chaos and confusion that you discover real peace. God’s method of character development is to “break you, melt you, mold you…” “Mold” me. The dictionary defines the verb “mold” as “ to form, shape, fashion, model an object with a particular shape.” God’...
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