God is still looking for people that can represent Him

God has representatives in all generations- the ambassadors to save deliver and bring people to the Promised Land. The word of God says, “This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob”- Psalms 24:6. From these teachings, we should learn many things from the life of Joshua who was able to stand against different odds and made positive impact in his generation. Really, a God possessed personality is a God controlled personality. Joshua was an ordinary man who took extra-ordinary step and accomplished the impossible task.

MEN OF FAITH; The Joshua generation are the “we are able” generation. God is looking seriously for the men of faith like Joshua. Remember that those who look to the past and fear the present is certain to miss the future. Faith is a winning force. It is an evidence of things unseen. Once it settles in the heart, fear flies away. Are you among the ‘faith and optimistic classes who are eager to possess the lands, families and nations for the Lord? These are men of substance, who only trust in the Divine Hand not financial build-ups, personal ego, intellectual abilities or military power. God had such men- Abraham, Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys who proved their faith in the heathen land. God stood for them in their fire of affliction. The heart of faith can purchase anything good in the world market.

MEN OF OBEDIENCE; One who walks with God always gets to his destination. The Joshua generations are those who are willing to obey God perfectly. They love to do all his commandments. Remember, half obedience is no obedience at all. Men who trust in God and submit themselves to him are the ones He delights in; and they receive heavens back-up. God is looking for men that will love and obey Him completely. Men like Noah- Genesis 6:22; Abraham- Genesis 22 and Joshua- Joshua 11:15

MEN OF COURAGE; Have you read the language of these men in the word of God, “Lets Go and Possess” Joshua was courageous. For you to enter into your possessions, this is a virtue you can’t throw away. He didn’t keep his own till tomorrow. There and then, he raised a different view, knowing fully well that one with God is in the majority. When a child of God makes a move, God will stand by him. God will also move on his behalf. The congregations ruled by the flesh will  have no solution to people’s problem for the arm of the flesh easily fails. People can believe lies easily. When the congregation heard the evil report, they responded foolishly. – Numbers 14:1-2. The people always love to hear evil report. Jesus Christ is the “Good News”- Luke 4; 18. Men of courage like Uriah can risk their lives to do what is right. They can risk their reputation like Daniel to do what is right. 

MEN OF VISION; The Joshua generation are men of vision. They are proof- producers. Because of their vision, they can inspire life and change the atmosphere from worse to best. They are originators and can discern the future. They seek to succeed in Gods way. Vision is a vital link to success. It is a tool for finding direction. Your vision determines how far you can go. A vision-less mind is a confused one. Joshua got the heavens picture and pursued it. He stood for God and was rewarded. – Numbers 14:28-32. When we have vision, we see everything in the proper perspective. Only the vision of Christ sustains in crisis.

You have everything you need. . .to walk on your Holy Ground. . .being victorious in every battle. . .doing more than you have thought possible.LETS GO AND TAKE TERRITORY !!


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