
Showing posts from February, 2016

God is collecting your tears -psalm 56:8

GOD KNOWS!!! Your tears have a voice  and they get God's attention. whatever concerns you ,,,concerns him and he collects the tears that scream his name. In that moment of mixed emotions, I desperately needed God’s comfort and reassurance, and I found it in Psalm 56:8. "You keep track of all my sorrows.You have collected all my tears in your bottle.You have recorded each one in your book." I love the image of God keeping all my tears in a bottle. I can envision shelves filled with bottles in Heaven, each with a name on it, and an accompanying scroll documenting every tear and lament.  I wonder, does my bottle have my name on it?  Is it a special color?  I wonder if God, my Father looks at my bottle full of tears and says, “Ah, that one is my daughter, Gracy’s! Her bottle of tears is so precious to me and I treasure each one. I am intimately acquainted with all her ways and I love her.  When she has cried tears that no one sees, I have seen, I know and ...

When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.

“It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.” (2 Corinthians 3:5) It has been said that when you get to the end of yourself, you get to the beginning of God. Many times when hardship comes, we have our own plans for how to handle it. We have plan A, B, C, D, and E. And after we have exhausted all of those, we find ourselves in that place where we say, “If God doesn’t come through for me, it is over with. This is horrible.” But actually, it is not horrible, because it is an opportunity for God to show His glory. When times are tough, we have a built in instinct to become dependent upon God for strength that is needed. It is obvious that so many of us are growing weary in these dark days of oppression that we live.  Struggles surround us at every corner and it is hard to stave off the growing fears of uncertainty.  We were told in the Scripture that these times would come and test the faithful, but how do we...


The things we idolize can't save us! Isaiah 37 vs 11:13 Let’s be honest, we are all passionate about something. Whether it’s a career, a hobby, material things, or a relationship. You have something that makes your heart sing, so to speak… something or someone that you love more than anything on this earth. We are taught from a young age that when we love something or someone we are to put our heart into it and give it our all. But, if you’re not careful, that passion and love can easily turn into idolatry. In broaching this topic, it’s important to acknowledge a hard truth in our culture: We as people tend  to idolize people. Politicians, musicians, actors, writers, activists, preachers, teachers, and whatever the Kardashians are, haha of cause i do watch them.  (That last one didn’t trigger my spell checker… just take a moment to let that sink in!). We tend to look to these people as infallible heroes. The problem that comes with trying to make anyone into a messiah is ...


                                                        Words are powerful! Did you know that you can be your worst enemy?  Your thoughts and words can either be used by Satan to hurt you, or by God to bless you! power of Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. ..proverbs 18:21. The  Lord said, “My will for you is to be blessed, yet you condemn yourself by your own words on your tongue.  You speak evil against your life.  Rebuke that evil from your life!  Pluck it out!” You want it so bad that all you do is talk about it, but what are you really saying? Are you speaking your dreams into existence or are you blocking your own blessings? Sometimes we can be our worst enemy when it comes to our thoughts and our choice of words. When you put negative energy ...