The barren shall bear fruit
Sometimes we forget that God is the God of all the earth. The famous verse in the fourteenth chapter of the Book of John, that starts off, “In my Father’s house,” is often interpreted that the Father’s house is Heaven. It is not. The Father’s House is Christ, Head and Body. The Father is greater than all, and He is as much the God of the earth as He is the God of Heaven. The Bible tells us that Sarah was ninety years old when the promise was made to Abraham that she would bear him a son (Gen.17:17). When Sarah heard the promise from inside the tent she laughed. It was not the laughter of rejoicing but of doubt. The Lord's word was 'Is anything too hard for the Lord?' Let us not have unbelief but let us have faith in the word of the Lord that He will make us to bear fruit. Sarah doubted because of her age. You may be a believer for a number of years and you may long for a blessing in your life. You want to be used, to bear fruit. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Notice t...