Steadfast Love: deep clouds,deep mercy
Steadfast Love: Deep clouds, deep mercy How could anyone cry out, “Great is your faithfulness!” in the middle of loss? The answer is that Jeremiah knew God could turn tragedy into triumph. He had a revelation of God’s steadfast love. A love that is resolute despite surrounding circumstances. In the middle of his sorrow, He finds hope and comfort in his God. Jeremiah said, Just as Jeremiah describes it in his book “The steadfast love of the L ᴏ ʀ ᴅ never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ( Lamentations 3:22–23 ). Have you ever wondered why Jeremiah says that God’s steadfast love and mercies never cease and yet they are new every morning? How is something that never ceases, new? Every Single Moment Is New with God, for he keeps no record of our wrongs. This is how our Heavenly Father recklessly loves us. “God’s enduring love and constant mercies are not only new every morning, but new every moment.” Ever...