ART OF WAITING : Waiting on God’s Promises:
A lot of people don't know how to wait. Society has an impatient, "do-it-quick, high tech, computerized, push button" mentality. We try to bring all that over into Christianity, but there are times when you have to be willing to wait. You may be waiting for a major financial breakthrough in your business, a miracle baby, a job,healing or someone special in your life. While waiting patiently is definitely not easy, we need to be encouraged by some people in the Bible who waited for God for years until He fulfilled His promises. Consider Noah for instance, he spent many years of his life building an ark, some say a hundred and twenty while some argue that it took him seventy-four years. Be that as it may, it took Noah years to build the ark and people ridiculed him, asking if he was certain he heard from God. Whatever you are waiting for will eventually come to pass. God’s timing is perfect; everything God says happens exactly when it is supposed to ...